Simply GREAT! :D
First, this is my review for the collab BEFORE it was resubmitted, I saved it and that's why the "Current Score" isn't the current one. (:
Also, I've read the response of PaperBat and why he wanted to re-submit this flash and it was a very good reason but damn, what a bad thing.
Because of the resubmission you lost your high score and daily 4th.
Look PaperBat, you did a great job with this collab, really but next time be happy what you have, daily 4th isn't that bad at all! Look at the "One Big Morphing Orgasm" collab, they also only got a daily 4th but it still was a big success!
No blame for you PaperBat but if you really wanted to resubmit this collab you should have wait until the shape flashes were of the front page 'cause now you also lost a big chance of getting front page...
I think this is a waste of such a great and good collab. This deserves more than only 1,130 views!
Back to the review:
Current Score
3.93 / 5.00 (+ 0.022)
It's always fun to see score's rise like this by only voting on it! :D Anyway, let's got to the review now:
I prefer to review Collabs on the way they are made, from the "Menu" to the "Animation" and every little details with it like the preloader and the author bios! :D
So first, the menu:
I start with the preloader, at the beginning it looked really noobish, I thought this was going to another silly dumb collab but when it was finally loaded (9,8 MB, nice job! :D) it turned out to be really great :D
After that, the logo, it was so wonderful ö It looks so real and official, you did a great job with that, congrats to SecondStamp!
Then, the intros, nice 'Newgrounds' intro, I've never seen that one before. (:
After that, the menu, great, wonderful sounds effects, great music and the changing BG, just awesome! :D Everything is worked out to the little details, from the scene selection (nice job, I liked it!) to the authors bios! :D I think it's the first time I've seen such a well worked out menu, great job! :D
Now, the real important thing, the animation itself:
The concept is great, making animations about different Mario Suits, GREAT! :D Every suit made me laugh, it's also awesome that you made a pixel version of almost every one. (:
About the animations itself I'm going to be clear, they are good but not the best. (: They are REALLY funny and did made me laugh but I really liked the FPF animations more than the retro sprite ones. Anyway, everyone has his different taste I guess. Still, you guys did a great job, actually, I loved almost EVERY part of it, great word! :D
Great collab, not much to improve, every little detail is worked out very well, every part has his own humor and animation style, you guys sure did a great job.
Collabs like these are really important for a site like Newgrounds, they show how the Newgrounds people have a sort of friendship to make things like these together! :D Again, great great job, I LOVED IT! :3
And last but not least, I also loved the submission icon, it's maybe a stupid detail but in some way it's kind of important.
Anyway, I guess this is the review, I hope you liked it and learned something from it. :D (Not that there is that much to improve, this collab is almost perfect! ö)
*Recommending for Mario and NG Collab collection!*
PS: If you read this, please let me know by responding or sending a pm, thanks. :3