Simple, great, adrenaline!
Read those 3 worth in the title, they say it all!
But, because a review of 3 lame words would be kind of dumb I'm going to give you some more details:
The main idea:
Wonderful, this is like an old school "Meteorite shooter" but you don't have to shoot yourself, you just need to use the bullets of the enemy! Simple but great, you're a genius! :3
Simply great! Very basic but that's what it has to be. It's a simple concept with simple graphics. This makes it even grater. I do like how you worked out so much details, like the splinters of the enemy units on the background and the explosions. Simple but great graphics, just as it has to be with games like these!
Haha, I just bought a new CD so I was playing that while playing this game and put off the sounds but, specially for this review I put off iTunes and played the sounds and I wasn't disappointed. Great sound effects and addicting music, it fits perfect with the game! Great choice, good job!
Great, addicting, great, wonderful, the best!
This is just crazy, the unit moves so smooth and good, it's really fun to play. But besides the good gameplay it's just all made so perfect, the units, the bullets, everything is worked out very good but still kepped simple and plain.
And besides all these great things there's another thing, ADRENALINE! Wow, flying between those bullets and those units, seeing that there's a green unit who's about to explode and while checking that trying to hit other enemies with bullets, wow, crazy and addictive!
This game has a great title, a great score, is addictive, is kept simple, it's almost perfect!
Keep up the good work and also, please listen good to this last advice and keep it deep inside your mind:
DON'T MAKE A sequel! You will ruin the whole idea, now it's good because it's simple but if you want to make a second one you'll have no choice but have to make it difficult and others so, please leave it with this, you did a great job but don't fuck it up by making a sequel. (: