Yea, that's right. :3 Bertn is still alive and has a new collab idea. ^_^
I want to keep it secret until I release the collab so nobody can steal my idea but I can tell you one thing, it's awesome. :D
Some hints:
There will only be 9 parts, like in the pirate collab. (:
Why only 9? D:
So everyone can get COauthoring. :3 BUT, only the best parts are allowed, they have to be PERFECT! :D
It will be released in 5 weeks.
Why do we have to wait a freakin' 5 weeks? D:
Because I'm on holiday and camp and I want to run the collab for the full 100%. I'll release it from the moment I'm back. :3
I hope this collab will have the same success like 'the Pirate Collab' (Daily 2nd and Front page. :3) and there will be enough people want to join. :D
That's all I guess, I hope to see you soon! ;D
I SO WANNA JOIN! i think...